
Micro-projections of multidimensional child poverty in sub-Saharan Africa

Marina Vicini, John Fitzgerald, Daniela Pinto Veizaga, Arpita Saggar, Oliver Fiala

Handbook on Child Poverty and Inequality (2025)

TLDR: Chapter on machine learning methods for producing fine-grained multidimensional child poverty estimates.

XAI-MethylMarker: Explainable AI approach for biomarker discovery for breast cancer subtype classification using methylation data

Sheetal Rajpal, Ankit Rajpal, Arpita Saggar, Ashok K Vaid, Virendra Kumar, Manoj Agarwal, Naveen Kumar

Expert Systems with Applications (2023)

TLDR: Explainable AI-based biomarker discovery framework applied to DNA methylation data to determine a small biomarker set for breast cancer stratification.

COV-ELM classifier: An extreme learning machine based identification of COVID-19 using chest X-ray images

Sheetal Rajpal, Manoj Agarwal, Ankit Rajpal, Navin Lakhyani, Arpita Saggar, Naveen Kumar

Intelligent Decision Technologies (2022)

TLDR: A three-stage ELM-based framework to distinguish between COVID-19, normal, and pneumonia chest X-rays.

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